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Frequently Asked Questions :

We have listed the most common questions about the services that our company provides below. If you are unable to find the answers that you need here, please check out our online knowledgebase, or visit our help desk for further assistance.

What options do I have, if I’m dissatisfied with the services your company provides?

Our customers are generally extremely satisfied with our services, but in case you are not, we will provide a full refund of your Web Hosting service fees (excluding domain names), when you cancel within 60 days, or your VPS Hosting service fees, when you cancel within 15 days. You can also cancel any of the services that we offer at any time, and receive a refund on the unused portion of your services, without a hassle.

How long will it take to get my VPS Server or Website Hosting online?

We have instant provisioning on every service that we offer. Once payment is complete, your site and/or VPS server will be up and running within minutes.

What payment methods do you accept?

We currently accept debit cards, credit cards and e-check payments, processed via PayPal, but you don’t need a PayPal account to complete your SuperfastVPS purchase. You may also use your PayPal balance to complete your transaction, when you have a PayPal account. Please note that when you pay using an e-check, your account will not be available, until your payment clears your bank.

Do you provide a Service Level Agreement (SLA) on your services??

Yes we do. We have a 100% up-time SLA on our power and network, plus a 99.99% up-time SLA on our web hosting and VPS hosting services. Please see our SLA agreement for further details.

Can I run Ruby on Rails, Django, PHP, PERL and CGI using your VPS Server or Website Hosting services?

Yes you can. All of these are already installed and running on the server. We also provide true root access to your server, so you can install and configure whatever you need, on both our managed and unmanaged VPS server plans. We also provide the technical support that you need, based on your plan level.

Why don’t you provide unlimited storage and bandwidth like other web hosting providers?

Don’t be fooled by other companies who claim to offer unlimited storage and bandwidth. There is no such thing as unlimited, PERIOD. Other web hosting providers are betting on the chance that you won’t use all of the allocated resources on your hosting or server plan, allowing them to fill one server with hundreds websites. If you read their terms of service carefully, you will discover that your account actually has many limitations.

Can I move my website or VPS server from another provider over to SuperfastVPS?

Yes you can. All that you need to do, is complete the online sign-up process and then open up a support ticket for your migration request. We will process your ticket, moving your site’s DirectAdmin or CPanel and we will also provide a credit for up to 2 FREE MONTHS of service, for your website or VPS plan. We will also help you migrate your files, free of charge, on VPS Server plans.

Can I run any type of website on a SuperfastVPS server?

Yes you can, as long as your website does not violate our Terms of Service.

Do you offer Backup Services?

Yes – we offer a free daily on-site and off-site backup with our website hosting, business hosting plans and a free weekly on-site backup with our VPS server plans. You may also add-on off-site backup services, for an additional fee.

 Do you have a network Looking Glass or Test IP?

Yes we do. Simply open a sales ticket online, and we will send Test IP’s for your use. We are also continuously adding new data center locations around the globe, in cities including: New York, Chicago, San Jose, Montreal, Paris and Singapore.

Still have questions? We’re here to help. Simply open up a ticket online to get the service and support that you need.

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